Here are our upcoming events:
Plant Medicine Mystery School Level 3 - Group 3
Remote online course - Saturdays at 7 am PST/ 10 am EST, March 1st through April 26th, 2025
Calling all Level 2 graduates - the next Level 3 has officially launched! The course has the same format as levels 1 and 2 - 8 live, remote classes and 8 live, weekly tribal gatherings, ending with an online graduation extravaganza! The course material will cover all of the following topics, and much more:
The Power of the Icaros: You’ll learn 2 ancient Ayahuasca songs, their meanings, and how they are the core technology that drives Mama Medicina
The Immensely Critical Role of Facilitator: Why who sits behind the altar is literally the most important element of any ceremony
The Alchemy of Shame into Empowerment: How this is the most dangerous yet potent emotion we work with with folks in altered spaces, and how to guide them to a breakthrough
Psychotic Breaks and Ego Deaths: Guiding ourselves and others through the most intense ceremony experiences
Darkness, Depression, Existential Crisis, and Suicidal Ideation: Helping the most vulnerable folks before, during, and after a ceremony
Ayahuasca and Huachuma: Behind the Altar: A class wholly dedicated to specific nuances that must be considered in every ceremony
The Ever-Changing Legal Landscape for Medicine Carriers
Why Shamans Go Dark: An all-in discussion on how and why plant medicine facilitators end up as abusers
Many more based on the experience and curiosity of the assembled tribe!
Click here to learn more and register.
Small Group Master Plant Diet with Tulsi
3 week dieta with 1 week integration, launches Saturday March 22nd at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET / 9 pm CET
Shamanic guide Lindsay Calliandra Rose will lead an intimate group of plant lovers in this 1 month exploration of harmonizing, adpative, magical Holy Basil/Tulsi! This glorious plant spirit has been revered by Ayurvedic Medicine as a true healing ally. Tulsi is classified as a Rasayana herb, which means she’s a plant that nourishes our bodies on a cellular level, and she promotes longevity too. Tulsi is the focus of many sacred and ancient rituals around health, protection, abundance, and joy, and she’s considered a plant that brings good luck and fortune!
Click here to learn more and register for this very special adventure.
Small Group Master Plant Dieta with White Sage
A 1-month remote shamanic ritual with the queen of purification and protection!
There’s no greater teacher of spiritual protection than White Sage. Enter an ancient portal of a Master Plant Dieta with a being that can purify your body and spirit, and wrap you in the most delicious cocoon and love and protection. Click here to learn more and register for this life-changing dieta. Launches April 1st!
Shame Release Ritual
A unique opportunity to honor and release the sacred energy of shame in a shamanic ceremony - via Zoom on April 6th at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET / 10 pm CET (2.5 hour ceremony)
Let’s come together as a tribe in a safe, vulnerable container and feel, process, share, befriend, and honor our beautiful expressions of heartbreaking grief.
Click here to learn more and register for this one day workshop.
Ayahuasca Icaros Course
Begins April 9th - Meetings every Wednesday through April 30th, 2025 via Zoom
Learn 4 ancient, magical healing songs, called Icaros, which are used in traditional Amazonian Ayahuasca ceremonies. This course is led by Don Moises Llerena, a Peruvian Amazonian shaman/maestro with decades of plant medicine experience, and Kat Courtney.
Click here to learn more and register for this super special 4 week offering.
Plant Medicine and Master Plant Dieta Retreat
May 24th through June 1st, Costa Rica
Experience a traditional, indigenous-led Master Plant Dieta along with 3 powerful and authentic Aya ceremonies - this is the deepest, most transformational experience the plants have to offer! Click here to learn more and register.
Plant Medicine + Psychedelic Integration Training - Group 6
A 6 month deep dive into the intricacies of becoming a Plant Medicine Integration Coach / Specialist; launching June 4th, 2025 at 3 pm PT / 6 pm ET / 10 am AEST + 1 Day.
A six-month online course developed for all those called to be in service as Plant Medicine Integration Specialists / Coaches. This intensely deep experience includes bi-weekly live classes as well as bi-weekly Q&A sessions with a pioneer in the space of psychedelic integration, Kat Courtney, as she shares experiences and lessons from an almost 20-year relationship with Plant Medicines and aftermath work.
Click here to learn more and register.
Plant Medicine Mystery School Level 1 - Group 20
Remote online course - launches June 12th 2025, nine week course
For those called to learn more about the magic of plant consciousness and the incredible history and power of shamanism!
The Plant Medicine Mystery School is a live online course hosted by shamanic expert and guide Kat Courtney. Up to 20 students will be initiated into the ancient art of learning to work with plant consciousness. Now more than ever we need their guidance for healing and awakening, and just as important, we need the support of our tribe.
Kat will share many of the ancient teachings of the Shipibo-Conibo and Quecha-Lamista lineages of Peru, who are part of the sacred guardians and maestros of Ayahuasca ceremony work. She will also share knowledge from the Chavin and Q’ero tribes, who are the godfathers of Huachuma/San Pedro shamanism. We will go deep into communicating with plant consciousness, and spirit itself, as well as find our unique superhero powers in these magical spaces.
As a tribe, we will unlock the secrets of working with entheogens and master plants - both through working with the sacraments, and through the spirits of the medicines themselves. We don’t have to consume plants to speak their languages, and Kat is delighted to teach those who are called how to connect deeply with these powerful partners.
BONUS - Kat will also initiate all interested participants in the art of self-serving Hapeh/Rapeh, the shamanic tobacco snuff utilized by multiple South American shamanic tribes, and we will end our journey together with a virtual Hapeh Ceremony :)
This Level 1 course will consist of 8 weekly 90 minute sessions, where Kat will share information and guide the assembled group through all of the course materials listed below. Each session will involve 60 minutes of knowledge sharing, and then 30+ minutes of live Q&A.
Additionally, a weekly integration call will be offered on Thursdays at the same class time for folks who need extra support and insights during this wild and crazy time we are living in.
Click here to learn more and register.
Voice Activation and Plant Medicine Retreat
July 12th-20th, Costa Rica
Experience an indigenous-led, sacred ceremonial container with Grandmother Vine, and learn some of her powerful medicine songs. This retreat embodies a safe container for healing, learning ancient shamanic traditions, and activating the true essence of your unique voice.
Click here to learn more and register - this retreat features 3 powerful shamanic ceremonies, an authentic sweat lodge, 5 star luxury service, 4 weeks of integration, and so much more!
Plant Medicine Mystery School Level 2 - Group 9
Remote online course - Sunday at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET, August 31st through October 26th 2025
If you’ve already joined us for Level 1 of the Plant Medicine Mystery School and you’re hungry for more, please take the plunge into Level 2! The course has the same format as level 1 - 8 live, remote classes and 8 live, weekly tribal gatherings. The course material will cover all of the following topics, and much more:
Navigating a Dark Night of the Soul - The lessons of the darkness
The essence of healing: How to work with mental, physical, and emotional blockages
The Definition of Holding Space, and the sincere practice of this spiritual principle
Shamanic cosmology - deep learning about shamanic traditions
Creating allies of songs, totems, spirit guides, and other members of our spiritual tribe
A deeper exploration of shadow work, and how to hold ourselves accountable of exploring what we can’t yet access
What the plants teach us about death and the afterlife
Deepening the process of communicating with plant consciousness
Working with fear/anxiety - in ourselves and others
Making friends with the darkness; the devil as an ally
Integration for Mind, Body, Spirit - the essence of embodiment
Plus all of your unique and personal questions about what is next for you on this path