Mistletoe Master Plant Dieta

1-month dieta launches on Saturday, November 30th at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 8 pm CEST

Cost: $499 - Limited Spaces Available

Sessions will take place via live video on Zoom, led by Kat Courtney

A Master Plant Diet / Dieta is a marriage between a human and a plant spirit. It is profoundly intimate, with far-reaching potentialities for healing, insights, self-discovery, and the sacred connection to nature. This ancient process was created by the Amazonian tribes thousands of years ago so that humans could know more consciously the magic of plants. Whether you are brand new to this process or have many dietas under your belt, this is an extremely special invitation to merge with a powerful Master Plant and share the experience with a small group of fellow plant lovers.

Shamanic guide Kat Courtney will lead an intimate group of brave beings in this 1 month exploration of magikal, romantic, and festive Mistletoe! This masculine spirit has a rich spiritual history as a bringer of good fortune, a playful and uplifting spirit, and a harbinger of love. This fascinating evergreen plant actually grows on deciduous trees - he teaches us to give and receive, and the divine dance of reciprocity, which is oh-so appropriate for the holiday season! Mistletoe is also a sacred symbol of Christmas, representing sweet kisses and heart-led joy. He is a medicine of peace, harmony, protection, fertility, and good luck.

It is VERY important that we work with a form of Mistletoe with the botanical name Viscum album, as other varieties can be toxic to humans. All those who join the adventure will receive detailed insturctions on how to safely work with Mistletoe. The heart of the diet is about spiritual connection, but we will also gently connect our physical bodies with the plant as well.

Beginning on or around Saturday, November 30th, 2024, Kat will schedule individual dieta openings with each participant, which happens through the power of song + intention. Then on Nov 30th, and the 4 Saturdays after, Kat and the crew will meet on Zoom to share what’s happening in the process - a total of 5 sessions. We will provide a protocol document outlining food instructions and specific wisdom on how to work with Mistletoe as well, including the suggested recipe for brewing the tea, and ethically sourcing him. In addition to only eating clean, organic, simple foods, we will all abstain from sexual activities, media, dark energies, and other distractions for the duration of the 3 weeks, and each Saturday at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET we will meet on Zoom to connect, share stories, and learn more about the gifts Mistletoe has to offer through our vulnerable shares. Kat will hold the diets for all participants, checking in on the connection and listening for messages each morning and night. She will be also be available throughout the process for spontaneous support as needed, because we intend to go deep with this adventure! Diets will be closed individually on or about Saturday, December 21st, 2024. The final session on the 28th is for integration.

A Master Plant Dieta with Mistletoe offers a delightful exploration of playful love, harmonious connection, tender protection, and manifesting our hearts’ desires. If you are seeking more joy, vitality, heart-opening, and abundance, Mistletoe would love to be your next plant ally!

For more information about this ancient, transformative process, email the team here.

Schedule and Registration

Mistletoe Master Plant Dieta

Begins Saturday, November 30th at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 9 pm CEST

Saturday November 30th - Dieta opens (90 mins)

Saturday December 7th -Sharing the beginning insights and movements (90 mins)

Saturday December 14th - Second session during dieta full of deep revelations (90 mins)

Saturday December 21st - Dieta closes, final reflections of our plant portals (90 mins)

Saturday December 28th - Integration session (90 mins)

Cost for 5 week workshop: $499

Limited Space Available

If cost is the only reason you choose not to register, please email Kat’s team here and name what you can afford. No one will be turned away because of a lack of resources. Feel free to reach out with any questions too.

About Kat Courtney

Kat has had the supreme honor of studying and practicing shamanism for over 20 years, with multiple maestros and lineages. She began her studies in the Peruvian Amazon in the early 2000’s, under the protection of the late, great Don Howard Lawler; one of the most powerful and esteemed Huachumeros who has ever graced this Earth. Kat attended dozens and dozens of Ayahuasca and Huachuma ceremonies with Howard and Don Rober Acho at SpiritQuest, and then went on to apprentice for 10 years with several incredible Ayahuasquero masters. She also graduated from the Gaia Institute’s Master Herbalism Apprenticeship in 2009. Kat has poured medicine for thousands of sincere seekers, and coached hundreds of people in the aftermath of powerful plant ceremonial work. She’s a humble servant of all plant medicines, having completed 40+ Master Plant Diets to date. She is a champion of the darkness and has profound love and trust for the power of the elements, and our miraculous altar spaces.